Thursday, December 10, 2009

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?

I've had two different events me and my husband wanted to go to try to charge for babies to get in. This current one I'm fighting is wanting to Charge $20.00 for a 14 month old infant.

Who thinks this is fair and who doesn't?

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?opera singer

Well, it's not fair but we've decided that if an organization or event wants to rip us off - then they simply won't get our business. For instance, we went to a fall festival at a farm this fall and they wanted $7.50 per person. With three small children and ourselves we'd be looking at $30.00 - and for what? We'd still have to buy food, drinks - the $30.00 was an entrance fee. You'd think they would have at least 2 and under for free or at least significantly discounted. The rides and games were only for little kids - it's crazy. I won't go somewhere where they charge for my little kids up the whazoo - they just won't stay in business that way. Yeah - it's not fair and I wouldn't patronize their establishment if I were you.

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?amc theater opera theater

It depends on the event. Perhaps the $20. charge is to discourage bringing infants.
No, their parents should.
I guess it depends on what kind of event--- if it's for kids or adults and if the baby will take up space ( a seat). I think if it's an event for adults only it should be free
I agree. This is not fair to charge for an infant. They can't remember what they see . I think if fewer people attend events where they have to pay for children under the age of 5, then companies who is having an event, will be forced to not charge for children under 5, because they will be loosing business.
When my twins were about 3 months old, me and my man wanted to go to the movies. When we went we carried the boys in our arms, instead of taking the pram. They however wanted us to pay $7.50 for our 3 month old boys.

I looked at them and walked out. Like my boys would take up a seat!!

Life just isn't fair somedays
no i think they should be free
depends on what kind of event, but I would not pay that much for my baby, for just one event...
I don't think it's fair, given that it essentially penalizes mothers for nursing.

Even if you're not breastfeeding, you could still call a manager and complain along those lines. Nursing babies SHOULD go EVERYWHERE their mother does, with no unnecessary added hassle or expense to the mother.

That makes sense merely from a public health standpoint...

Logistically, no, you don't pay for somebody whose 'chair' = a front-carrier. It's absurd to charge admission to somebody who couldn't take up a seat if they wanted to.

(all that said, leave your SUV stroller at home, and make a dash for the exit the second baby's face crinkles into a pre-cry...)
no, since they don't require seats. but babies 0-3 shouldn't go to events anyway cuz they annoy the people who pay

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