Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did the Republican witch-hunt for Clinton contribute to the events of 9/11?

Because of the 2 year Republican witch-hunt the Clinton Administration had been distracted from the hunt for bin Laden.

When Clinton bombed Bin Laden鈥檚 camps in Afghanistan and Sudan, Republican leaders questioned why he was attacking. They accused him of trying to create a distraction.

When Bush took over in 2000 he ignored all the concerns the Clinton Adminstration had about Bin Laden and even ignored his own Intel. The Bush Administration did not understand the Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined To Strike in U.S."

It is not a far stretch to say that the Republican witch hunt over the Monica Lewinsky nonsense contributed to the events on 9/11.

Did the Republican witch-hunt for Clinton contribute to the events of 9/11?imax theatre


If Newt Gingrich had not been attempting a Redpublican Coup. Bin Laden would have been hauled in.

Every move that the CIA or the Executive Branch tried the Redpublican conspirators blocked. They undermined and destroyed the carrier of the FBI agent than was assigned to AlQuieda. They stopped the use of cruise missiles.

The Gingrich House of Representatives did more to further the cause of AlQuieds than Saudi Arabia.

Go big Red Go

Did the Republican witch-hunt for Clinton contribute to the events of 9/11?performing show opera theater

Yes it did. It was a major contributor!
modern cummm sstain analysis
no it did not
It very well could've.. Wouldn't know though.. hmmmm, I should just be like most on here and act like I do anyway.. nah.. haha
Ohhhhhhhhhh Monica my horses fanny!!! Stop using excuses for 9/11. It had NOTHING to do with anything and the media hype you're believing is BULL.

Bush didn't ignore any concerns, but was actually fed conflicting Intel...from CIA and FBI. Forget about Clinton's affair because we'd all like to move forward, not backward.
Was this so-called "witch hunt" going on in 1993, the first attack on the World Trade Center?
It is quite a far stretch indeed. Clinton found time to do many things other than deal with the Lewinsky mess, and in any event, the necessary coordination was not directly in his hands. The primary culprit was a woman in the Department of Justice, who vetoed the sharing of the necessary information.
Yes but actually it was 7 years %26amp; $70,000,000.00 they spent trying to undue the elction of a popular president, they also didn't have the common sense to listen to top Clinton advisers like Richard Clark when it came to Al Queda but they seem not to let truth smack them upside the head too much
Every politician knows that politics are ruthless and that they will always be "hunted" by their opponents. It is for that reason that a responsible politician must keep his nose clean during his time of service so as to not enable the opponents to drag him down. Any politician who does not realize this and behave accordingly will not be able to serve efficiently.
It was not the Republican witch hunt that distracted Clinton. It was Monica, just the last in a long line of more or less willing victims. Billy Boy did not give a rats rear about terrorism. Bombing some empty tents in Afghanistan and an aspirin factory in Sudan are not exacty strong actions against terrorism. If anyone in the Clinton Administration had concerns they managed to hide them very well.
"When Clinton bombed Bin Laden鈥檚 camps in Afghanistan and Sudan, Republican leaders questioned why he was attacking. They accused him of trying to create a distraction."

So what you're saying is that Clinton was such a pathetically weak person that he refused to do what was right (pursue attacks on Al Qaeda camps in Sudan and Afghanistan) because he was afraid of what the opposition party would think? Doesn't sound like much of a leader to me.

If Clinton truly believed that the threats posed by these camps was imminent, don't you think he would have said, "Look, I really don't care what you think about my motivations. These camps pose a threat to national security, and it's my Constitutional duty to protect the American people from this threat. Here's the evidence".
No, but what you call a witch hunt was the result of Clinton's failure to do his job and the perjury Clinton was impeached for demonstrated the lengths Clinton would go to in his attempts to hide what he was really doing while he was supposed to be doing his job as President. Ever wondered how different things might be if Bill Clinton had been doing his job instead of doing Monica? What if Clinton had respected the American people enough to actually remember that their lives are in his hands while his attention was on Monica's lips?

Keep excusing Clinton for what he did, which didn't leave him time for what he was supposed to be doing, and keep blaming Bush for the mess he inherited from your hero who you defend not in spite of his evil ways, but because you love his evil ways. Keep defending Clinton's adulterous behavior which he did in our Oval Office. Keep lying for Clinton. Keep covering for him...
i would not been surprised if hilary bribed someone to destract the witch-hunt for a 10 year time then in about 2012 they will say "oh did'nt we have to go see clinton about something" by then they would have forgotten
In part. The Republicans were obsessed with nailing Clinton on something, and Clinton was obsessed with saving his own ***. So no one did any work. Meanwhile two embassies were attacked, Saddam kicked weapons inspectors out of Iraq, and North Korea and Iran built nukes.

Besides, I thought you leftists thought that Bush planned 9/11....

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