Saturday, December 5, 2009

Paying close attention to the lighter side of current events?

What's the real story behind these two events:

1) The Florida University student who was tazed after asking Sen. John Kerry an embarrassing question. I heard this student is known for being a smart alec and is a bit of a clown. From the video posted on the internet, I only see him asking the question about the Skull and Bones society, but don't see what happened before, nor why the security guards picked that moment to arrest him. Was he asked to finish the question before? Was he talking out of turn? What was the justification the guards used?

2) O.J. Simpson: were those possessions he tried to retake in Las Vegas really still his, or were they part of the items sold by court order to pay off his civil lawsuit?

Paying close attention to the lighter side of current events?opera singer

The smart alec Florida punk was about to embarrass a liberal icon at a liberal setting. The campus police acted in a manner expected of fascist thugs. However when you watch the whole thing on film it is obvious the kid had it coming. He should have known better than to refer to the female officer as bro. Never refer to a wide hipped lesbian with a badge as bro when she's holding a tazer. As to OJ, if there was any question as to the ownership of those items he should have called the police and filed a complaint. Burglary in Las Vegas is frowned upon unlike in any other city.

Paying close attention to the lighter side of current events?amc theater opera theater

does that mean he should be tasered?

they were fred goldmans.

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