Thursday, December 10, 2009

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?

In Genesis 1:1, the earth and "heaven" are created together "in the beginning," whereas according to current estimates, the earth was formed about 9 billion years after the universe began its current expansion 13.7 billion years ago.

In Genesis, the earth is created (1:1) before light (1:3), sun and stars (1:16), birds and whales (1:21) before reptiles and insects (1:24), and flowering plants (1:11) before any animals (1:20). The true order of events in each case was just the opposite.

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?opera house

That's because Genesis is comprised of two allegorical creation myths - one belonging to the northern kingdom of Israel, and one belonging to the southern kingdom of Judea. Both were entirely allegorical, and were not meant to convey historical events.

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?dream theater opera theater

consider that the first day (with sunlight, etc.), was created on the fourth day...that should tell you something...
It doesn't stop at genesis 1 either.
Nice try and darn good facts but I bet you don't get any converts.
it's called faith

Evolutionary theory contradicts the truth.

Show me a bone pulled out of the dirt that has a date stamped on it.

There aren't any.

Dates are ascribed on the basis of "best guess". All they know is where they found it, they don't know how old that dirt is! There is no objective method of calculating a date.

Were you aware that carbon dating PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth is less than 30,000 years old? IT'S TRUE!!

If the earth were more than 30,000 years old, the atmosphere would not be INCREASING in radioactive carbon 14, yet it is!

Equilibrium would have been reached and the radioactive carbon 14 saturation of the atmosphere would remain constant if the earth were more than 30,000 years old, but it has not!

The Bible is right, your theories are wrong, you're on the wrong side of fact.

You should read Robert Alter's translation of the book of Genesis. It's a literal translation that focuses on translating the words %26amp; ideas, not the theology behind it. You'll understand how much theology influenced the English translations that we have.

By the way, there are 2 accounts of the creation in the book of Genesis: chapter 1 and chapter 2. They're completely different because they were both ideas adapted from 2 previously existing religions. Genesis is full of stuff like that.
How do you know the "true order" of things? What you are calling scientific is just somebody's wishful guess interpretation of evidence based upon his predisposed dogmatic religious belief in evolution.

We Christians, (and Jews for that matter), are perfectly well within our rights to believe Genesis 1 - 11 literally if we want to. I am perfectly satisfied to believe that it is a valid scientific account.
Says who. Some scientist who can only make a vast speculation upon something he wasn't there to witness. And can neither fathom.

Life doesn't spring about from nothing. No matter if it were 3 years ago....500 years ago..., million years ago. 4.5 million years ago.... A billion years ago.

The simple fact is you people are easily confused by a lot of big words and calculations - speculations and assumptions (atheists do this a lot. Darwin was one of the best).

Common sense states that 0 + 0 + 0 =you guessed it (I hope) NOTHING.

God bless
Ask God, He was there when He created it all, I'm sure he can clear it all up for you...

oh, and by the way, I like how when describing your "true order of events" you use the phrase "current estimates," as in someones guess at this precise moment which is subject to change if someone else can argue convencingly enough that their guess is better.

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