Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do i advertise my childcare services for weddings and events?

I am a nanny and i have watched children by word of mouth for weddings and events...I want to do this every weekend thou' how do i go about advertising for this? I have tried contacting wedding places and wedding coordinators...but they are no help. any suggestions? i have great refrences and buinsness cards...i just need help finding the people who need childcare, i have used but got nothing....

How do i advertise my childcare services for weddings and events?

Start going to the different bridal sites that offer free advertising. Register for their local listings. Also sites like Postaroo.

Only bad thing about alot of these sites is that when a bride asks for your info, the site will send you a notice. Then you are expected to PAY for the bride's info. That's why alot of brides never hear from vendors when they request info.

Start leaving your cards at the bridal shops, florists, bakeries . See if you can leave them at day-care centers, too. And on bulletin boards in various places. Let people know what you are doing. Word will travel.

How do i advertise my childcare services for weddings and events?amc theatre opera theater

maybe you could go to childcare centers that are closed on the weekends and leave your business cards. then people who are at the child care through the week can use your services on the weekend.
try craigslist
You could try putting up a flyer in bridal stores. That is where many brides get their info.
You might try leaving your cards at places like bakeries and bridal shops. Anywhere a bride will shop. Maybe some local beauty shops or spas too. Also, I have been using a local vendor guide. Try advertising in one of those.
keep contacting your local resources... wedding planners, bridal shops, bridal shows/expos, even could take out an ad in a local newspaper or wedding magazine. Search the internet for a local wedding website resource (most major cities have a resource site where all local vendors are encouraged to place their free ad).

Just remember that the demand for your service might not be as high as you are hoping. In my area, I would probably only average 1 couple per year that would use your services. So dont get discouraged too fast.
Go on The Knot and Wedding Channel and advertise on the local board for your area.
What about getting a both at Briadal fairs?

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