Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?

I watched Loose Change on Google Video and the film makes a pretty good argument that we are all being fed a complete lie about the events of 9/11. Anyone who sees this film will question the official version, as I do now.

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?performing arts center

I did, for about an hour.

Then I watched not only "Loose Change" ( but

"The 9/11 Mysteries" (

"The Weekend BEFORE 9/11" (

and the OMINOUSLY titled "The 9/11 Solution", which was PULLED and SANCTIONED by Google for no given reason! (

I dare ANYONE to take the time to WATCH these videos and OPEN YOUR EYES. It's coming people... are you gonna bend over and take it, or are you going to FIGHT BACK?

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?sunshine opera theater

yes..I still do
Never did.
there are many questions just like anything you care to mention for example - pearl harbor , oklahoma city bombing the first attacks on the trade towers etc .
I didn't believe it early on.
Yes, I've seen them and I believe the official version.
Ok, now why don't you read the Popular Mechanics article debunking all of the myths put forth in loose change?

Or take a look at the National Institute of Science and Technology's investigation.

They actually use some science, logic and reason in their investigations.
yeah, i've been questioning it since the day it happened. do you watch the news? I can't believe you're just now figuring this out!
It was actually run by the Hexagon on Saturn as a covert operation to convince us that Bush is a very clever person. Be careful, by now THEY will be watching you from their secret cameras hidden in all the streetlights! Do do do dododododododododo.....................

Watch that. Makes that movie look like the unfounded pile of sh*t it actually is. You know, in the name of fairness and getting both sides of the story.
So, what else is new? And what can we do about it?
Only the smart people believe it.
I don't really know the government version .

haven't believed the government for many years.

but, I know what I see.

I saw 4 american jetplanes loaded with innocent people used as weapons. to kill more people. of many nationalities.

who was actually responsible? no one will really know for sure. it could have been a cia op for all I know.

since most of the evidence pointed to islamic factions that had been "attacking" us for years, plus the instant boast by dozens of islamic factions claiming responsibility, I had no problem with going and kicking their butts. so far, we've laid waste to iraq. has everyone responsible as far as the government is concerned been made to pay? I hope so, because theirs more people out there now that really do want to hurt us.

no matter how history records these events, the truth is, it happened. and this is where we stand.

9/11 terrorist did exactly what they intended.

they scared us enough to turn on ourselves.

for this, I'm not happy. this government let us down.
Would you Idiots give a rest!!!! Yes I Believe the Government!!!
Yes unfortunately there are many people who buy everything the government sells them. 9\11 was a terrible day in the history of the United States. But you cannont tell me that something's fishy when they said a jumbo jet hit the pentagon and than see the photos and the hole in the side is only 20 feet in diameter. I'm sorry but my logic tells me that a plane of that size would leave a bigger hole than that. And the fact that there really wasn't any debris lying on the ground like there would be at any other crash site. But I'm sure they have a reasonable explanation for that. Than there's the video of the plane hitting the pentagon, but if that was a jumbo jet it's the smallest one i've ever seen. The "sheeple" in this country need to wake up. There's an agenda here and it is a scary one. It is one of total control of everyone in our country. Wake up and smell the coffee.
I believed it for about 4 fact, I didn't even bother to check it.

Then I heard about the possibility of it being an inside job. Did some research (both sides) and concluded that I DO NOT BELIEVE THE OFFICIAL STORY.

Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin..... false-flag ops have been a tactic used by our own gov't for years
no, i do not believe in the official government explanation. and that scares me.
I don't believe the official government version of anything any more.
Then your a fool.....that movie is a DOCTORED VIDEO...what part of the fact that they even state it is fiction can your brain NOT understand....

I WAS THERE...grow up and learn the difference between a fantasy OPINION by persons whom HATE the US...and FACTS

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