Saturday, December 5, 2009

Does anyone else feel stressed because of major world events beyond your control and school shooting

It really seems like my stress began on 9/11 and I just can't recover completely. It seems like this war is going to go on forever. It feels like everyone is going a little crazy right now. Do you feel that these major world events have caused people in our American society to act badly? I know that average people can act badly under stress. What effect do you think this has had on all of us?

I am feeling some relief since gas prices are falling, but I just can't shake a feeling of being unsettled. Will we ever find "normal" again?

Does anyone else feel stressed because of major world events beyond your control and school shootings?extension

Rest assured, you're not the only one feeling that way. It gives me a helpless feeling that I have to fight everyday. If it's not Amish Schoolchildren being murdered, it's religious zealots bombing innocent people so they can meet Allah and grab 72 virgins. The world seems to be on a collision course with disaster of a magnitude we've never even dreamed of. When an impotent little monster like Kim Jong Ill of North Korea can bring the world to a standstill, you know somethings wrong. What we need to do is nuke the little prick off the face of the planet, that way the Iranians will shut their pie holes. Hugo Chavez would quickly follow. When did the USA become the worlds doormat?

All I can tell you is if Ronald Reagan were still president this crap would not be happening. We need some leaders with spine. If we don't do something soon, all you women will be wearing burkas and we can all pray all day to mecca. I don't think so.

Does anyone else feel stressed because of major world events beyond your control and school shootings?movie theater opera theater

Yes its horrible. We should pray for God to bring his kingdom..
You are not alone. I haven't been "right" since 9/11. It seems like the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Perhaps you should talk to a psychologist.

While these things do un-nerve people, long term issues because of them are not very common (Unless you were directly involved somehow, such as being a family member of a victim... of course they will be affected). You should go about your life and stop worrying about everything, especially because there really is nothing you can do about it. Why let it affect you so much?

Talk to someone about it, not us, you need some real help and we can't really provide that on yahoo answers.

Good luck, I mean it...
After 9-11 there was no normal. That day changed everything. The key to the stress problem is not to let everthing get to you. It is one thing to feel bad about world events but it is another to let it get to the point where you are letting it get you down. Worry about things you have the power to change and turn the rest over to your higher power and let him/her take care of it for you.
I'm not feeling stressed anymore. Really, there is nothing I can do about it. I do, however, feel deep sadness for those whose families were torn apart - especially the Amish. They are very peaceful people who want nothing to do with the evils of the outside world - now our outside, evil world has come crashing down on their small town, and it has taken a great deal from them in the process. It's very sad.

About the rest of the world, it's hopeless. We're humans. Humans are a warlike, invasive species, any way you cut it. Eventually, the world will come to another great war, and then things will settle and we'll have peace for a while again. Right now, I think it's about time to "thin the heard" again - Iran and nukes, DPRK and nukes - I'd say within the next 10 - 15 years, we'll see all that come to fruition - and then, as a race, we'll start over.

But, there's nothing I can do about that. So, on with life. Protecting me and mine, and taking care of me and mine, and doing what I can to try to help better mankind in my own ways.
It is good that you still have your awareness. I'm convinced that many in America have lost it since 9/11. We have lost our vision and focus. Whether or not recent events have anything to do with that is anyone's guess.

With all things considered, I think it would be dangerous if we return to 'normal'. Great and terrible things happen when this is so. We should always be on our guard.

By the way, you are not alone. I'm still a little edgy too. No one knows what the new dawn brings. But it is my faith in Jesus Christ that relieves my fears. God is in control. We clearly are not.
A friend compared it to finding out that you have a disease even though you felt "normal." Denial may feel good, but it's not good. We need to know that the world is a dangerous place as much as we need to know that we have a disease, in order to make informed decisions and take care of ourselves. People in places like Israel, Britain, Ireland, etc. are more or less used to terrorist threats and go on with their lives anyway. We're going to have to get to be the same way. I know, it's hard. *hug*
While the events of 911 and the school shootings you hear about now and then seem incredibly horrible (and they certainly are for anyone involved in them), to most of us they should not really cause us to be stressed for this reason: if you take the entire area of the inhabited United States and devide it up into little boxes of say about the size of the world trade center complex, then color in all the places in the country since 911 that have had similar events or tragedies happen you would find that the probabilitie of something happening where you are located is amazingly small. This is a statistical analysis of the event happening where you are. You are highly unlikely to ever experience anything like this in your lifetime. That should lower your stress. Nothing will ever get back to "normal" because there is no "normal" in the world. The world changes every day and no one can say what is going to happen in the future. The earth may also be hit by an astroid and all humans be destroyed, however, once again this is statistically a very small probablility.
I wouldn't say I feel stressed but I am deeply saddened about some of the things that are happening, especially this latest string of children's deaths. People react to situations in different ways. I feel that some take advantage of certain situations and use it as an excuse to act badly. These are unsettling times and as far as finding normal again, did we ever really have it?

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