Saturday, December 5, 2009

Does anyone know what its called when an individual will have episodes of obsessing on past events?

I HAD a boyfriend who was classified as being Bi-Polar. Although he was taking medicine etc. He would still have these episodes at least once a month. He has severe insecurities and in these episodes he always goes back to past events. For example he went clear back to halloween of last year and accused me of a bunch of stuff such as cheating and getting all done up for other guys etc. He has finally let that one go but he seems to hold on to past events and its like his mind jumps back to that time and he obsesses over it until he comes out of being in this episode which could take a week to two weeks or longer. While he is obsessing he is badgering me and accusing me and telling me im a liar and that I don't know what love is and all I do is hurt him I hurt him everyday to please please stop hurting his feelings. He has a past with anger and rage and he is a very cocky/smartass individual. I get nasty hateful voicemails and text messages. Anything he can to degrade me.

Does anyone know what its called when an individual will have episodes of obsessing on past events?home theater system

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I believe.

Does anyone know what its called when an individual will have episodes of obsessing on past events?the grand theater opera theater

It's called insecurity. Why would you want to put up with that? Get the hell outta there!
and you put up with this nonsense why?......puhleez don't say it's because you "love" him. No one would love someone who treated them that way on a regular basis unless their own self image was so poor that they didn't know they deserved better. This guy's mental health issues are not yours, they are his, and until he does a better job of dealing with those issues, he should not be in a relationship. Move on girl, you can do better.
Dump him, I think he has too much time on his hands
Sounds like he has an anger issue because he has never come to terms with the events that have happened to him in the past. He needs to deal with this and put it behind him. You definitely don't need to take the abuse he is giving you because you didn't do anything. If he doesn't seek some kind of professional help, he is only going to put you through hell.
he has OCD tendencies. this can be related to depression, as far as brain chemistry is concerned. something pops into his mind, he looks for a solution, gets a solution, then questions it, etc.

it might be best for you to NOT allay his obsessive fears. just tell him he is being obsessive again, and get off it.

i am not sure that there is any medication for this.

have you ever thought about calling it quits with him?

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