Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! W

The husband has passed on and there are family events which she is invited (she was good to my kids) but the divorce was very public. I do not want anything to do with her. How do I handle these events without endangering my relationships with my children who have become friends with her

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! What to doopera music

Kill them with kindness.

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! What to doopera sheet music opera theater

You just have to let go of the bad feelings already and be nice for the sake of your children.

I know, I know, it sucks...

...but many times in life all we can do is make the best of what we have.

Do it for the children.
well one I would just smile and set a big example for your children by not getting upset with her..whats done is done and after all they did lose their dad.

I would let bygones be bygones and just ignore her if you can
Just because you don't want to be friends with her, does not mean you can't be civil and polite.

Show that you are the bigger person and that her presence does not bother you.
Just because you don't like the woman doesn't mean that your children should not like her. You can always treat her as a human being if you see her at any family events. It is not easy to put on an act when you don't like someone and harder still when the woman had an affair with your ex.
You have the choice of not going.
I agree with GTO judge. Be polite and keep yourself busy with others. She was good to your kids, that says it all.
you behave in a civilized manner, you don't have to gush over her but just try to be the better person. Try to mingle with other family members and enjoy yourself for the sake of your children.

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?

I'm doing a video project and want to know what people think are the most important events, fads, music groups, movies, ect. of the 1970's.

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?phantom of the opera

I may not have ten here for you, but here are a few:

Watergate - Resignation of Nixon

End of Viet Nam War

The Killing of the Israeli team in the Munich Olympics

The Proliferation of "Free Love" ie: Bob Jane Ted and Alice.

Marijuana, LSD, and Speed usage amongst teens and college age people influenced a lot;

Disco came and went

We celebrated our country's bicentenial

Helter Skelter: Charlie Manson and cohorts.

Patty Hearst kidnapping and brainwashing.

Break up of the Beatles

Notable Death of Elvis

Death of a Pope

Notable People not mentioned above:

Timothy Leary

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?listen to opera opera theater

Bohemian Rhapsody %26amp; The Punk Rock Movement.

Never mind the B*llocks...

oh and Grease %26amp; Quadrophenia Movies.
The innocent Brady Bunch and Partridge Family. The music of The Carpenters and the Partridge family's "i think i love you".

giving way to :

The anger over the Vietnam War, gas rationing, the resignation of a President, the birth of heavy metal, disco, studio 54...

free love, drugs, dr. demento....

gerald ford, jimmy carter...

the end of the playboy era, jaws, the freedom train, the exorcist, refugees....snowstorms!

wow..the 70s were exciting! i wish i wasn't still wearing footie jammies..but im glad my parents made me watch the news..and they made a lil' of their own!
me, being born lol!
Important events:

Sony releases the U-matic

Music groups:

The Supremes performed for the last time, Black Sabbath's debut album, Mick Jagger was fined for possession of cannabis, The Beatles did their last studio performance.


Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Airport, The Aristocats, M*A*S*H

I can't think of anymore - mind blank. Hope this helps.
Punk and the Summer of Hate in (1976)

The last Morris Minor built (1971)

The Salyut Space Stations starting in (1971)

Power cuts and the three-day week (1974)

The beaten Yankee Imperialists getting kicked out of Viet Nam by lightly-armed, courageous locals wearing pith helmets, slippers and cotton pyjamas! (1974)

The Birmingham pub bombings on 21st November, 1974 which killed 21 people and injured 182

Ultravox! (1977-79)

The beginning of the New Dark Ages in 1979 when Thatcher won the election
Gas shortages and rations.

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for thos

too or are the Pre-sale codes only for PPV events?

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for those shows...soap opera

they snuck people in from the back

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for those opera opera theater

Check for information about presale tickets from this source. They are very informative

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matche

In three of the four grand slam tennis events women receive equal prize money despite only playing best of three set matches, men have to play best of five set matches. Even at Wimbledon prize money is almost identical.

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matches?opera mini

I'm going to answer this question and sort of throw myself on the grenade because some people are viewing this as a gender equality question, when that is not the core issue. I do believe women should get equal pay for equal work, but that is not what is happening here. The women's champion over the course of a grandslam is on court for about 14+ hours for 7 matches best of 3 sets. The men's champion is usually on court for 26+ hours for 7 matches best of 5 sets. Since this is at least 75% more work involved. I would say if the men made 10% to 15% more in prize money would be fair for all the extra work. If you Disagree with this lets look at this scenario would it be fair to have equal prize money if the women played a 1 set winner take all match and the men played a longer best of 7 set match for equal prize money. The women's champion would then be on court for about 7+ hours and the men' champion would now have been on court for about 39+ hours. If you think this is Not Fair, then the above best of three sets and best of five sets should not be fair either. I beleive a small 10 or 15 % more for the men for 75% more work is a fair bonus. If the women gather together and decide they want to play best of 5 sets throughout the tournament, then they too deserve equal prize money with the men. Well thats my position, So remember...if your going to throw grenades, leave the pin in.

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matches?passions soap opera opera theater

That isn't fair, maybe because they think that "girls can't handle that much" I don't know but I think everybody should play the same amount to get the same amount of prize money.
C' your life so pathetic that this is all you have to worry about? Get over it.
because we live in a sexist world. o yea and if the prize money was different they would be all up on it ignoring the fact that their matches are shorter and they would just say " sexist men "....
Oh; i wasn't aware they were on an hourly rate! Rounded up/down to the nearest 15 mins eh? What a question! I think it may have more to do with where the prize money comes from in the first place, and in that way men %26amp; women players have played equal stakes!
This question comes up just before Wimbledon every year.

It's not just that in the Women's competitions they play less games, it's if they did increased them to the same as the Men then there would be less time to have the same amount of matches.

The only option then would be to have less Women competing.

It could be a case of cutting off their noses etc.....
women should be payed equal to men because they are as much of a draw as are the men...i would rather see a sharapova match, then federer ....advertising makes the money, and more people would watch sharapova as well...
I think the women should get equal prize money because they also play upto their full strength as that of men. Though their strength finishes to three sets as compared to five sets played by men. Obviously they are weaker than men. Both men/women play upto their full potential and so they are elligible for equal prize money.

Does anyone know of a website that displays public holidays and events for countries in Asia in 2008

I travel into asia on a regular basis and need to avoid specific dates. Rather doing an individual seach on the internet as to whether any countries I'm about to visit have a bank holiday / celebrate chinese new year, etc, it would be nice to have a single page which I could print out... I don't mind even buying a paper calander if there is one!!

The main countries which I travel between are Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Philippines, etc etc

Does anyone know of a site that either sells or offers good calanders displaying Asian events at a reasonable glance, rather than searching by each country!!??

Does anyone know of a website that displays public holidays and events for countries in Asia in 2008?extension

In my country Philippines try this out!

Try wikipedia!

I hope it can help you!

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?

Please, I have enough of Dan Brown. Is there any other evidence that this Secret Society is pulling the strings behind major world events today? Are they behind the whole process of globalisation?

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?secure browser

The Illuminati? No, but possibly bankers...

The history of the creation of the US Federal Reserve does smell like conspiracy.

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?home theater opera theater

That is a new word for me, never heard or saw that word before today. Surly you are not believing anything that Dan Brown is writing. Come on, he is a writer of fiction. Take the DaVinci Code, pure fiction but told like it was a documentary. The entire book was just a lot of fiction, and well written. He make up all his facts. So what makes you think he is not doing the same for the Illuminati or what ever they are?
Not necessary the Illuminati. There are other "societies" not in our knowledge. Freemasons, remember. I think there is alot that we are unaware of.

Globalization is just big businesses getting bigger, and the bigger they get the more clout they have.

And, if these businesses have media outlets, they can bias its content.

But, no. There's no secret society in control.
There is generally no hard evidence Stanley. They cover their tracks too well so things cannot be traced back to them. Suffice it to say for now, however, that they are being watched and when they do make their move, the right ones are in place to counter it.
The Illuminati are responsible for everything in the world, but if I were to give evidence of such a fact, I would disappear much like those who go against their wishes.
Yes, history is planned in advance. It's difficult to give you evidence in one single message post. It's a lot of little pieces that make up the big puzzle.
Nope, unless they are chaos loving fools it doesn't look like anything has been manipulated by a secret organization. Heck even global organizations like the U.N. can barely get anything done and they have the cooperation of much of the world.
There is no more evidence that the Illuminati exists than that which says George W. Bush has a human brain. The Opus Dei, however, does exist.

The above link is starter information for Opus Dei.

This is a disputed article on the Illuminati.

Here is a list of books available on Amazon about them:
Not sure about the Illuminati, but in this United States, corporate awipes are running this country right into the dirt. They are rich enough to influence our government leaders into pulling all the strings that allow laws to be passed that line their pockets with gold. Allowing more jobs to be shipped overseas, allowing unregulated imports into the country,(look at the junk we're getting from China right now),

taking away from our health plans and money set aside for education and our retired people. Bush said he would veto the bill which would allow every child in this country medical coverage, but in the next breathe asks for billions of dollars for war in Iraq. Why, because the corporate awipes aren't making money on child health care but they're raking it in from the war. Are we sending troops to help to the monks in Burma who are being killed by the dictator government, No, why, because Burma doesn't have the oil like Iraq. Wake up Americans, get rid of Bush and all his cronie corporate awipes or their won't be land for the people, governed by the people.........only by corporate awipes!!

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?

I've had two different events me and my husband wanted to go to try to charge for babies to get in. This current one I'm fighting is wanting to Charge $20.00 for a 14 month old infant.

Who thinks this is fair and who doesn't?

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?opera singer

Well, it's not fair but we've decided that if an organization or event wants to rip us off - then they simply won't get our business. For instance, we went to a fall festival at a farm this fall and they wanted $7.50 per person. With three small children and ourselves we'd be looking at $30.00 - and for what? We'd still have to buy food, drinks - the $30.00 was an entrance fee. You'd think they would have at least 2 and under for free or at least significantly discounted. The rides and games were only for little kids - it's crazy. I won't go somewhere where they charge for my little kids up the whazoo - they just won't stay in business that way. Yeah - it's not fair and I wouldn't patronize their establishment if I were you.

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?amc theater opera theater

It depends on the event. Perhaps the $20. charge is to discourage bringing infants.
No, their parents should.
I guess it depends on what kind of event--- if it's for kids or adults and if the baby will take up space ( a seat). I think if it's an event for adults only it should be free
I agree. This is not fair to charge for an infant. They can't remember what they see . I think if fewer people attend events where they have to pay for children under the age of 5, then companies who is having an event, will be forced to not charge for children under 5, because they will be loosing business.
When my twins were about 3 months old, me and my man wanted to go to the movies. When we went we carried the boys in our arms, instead of taking the pram. They however wanted us to pay $7.50 for our 3 month old boys.

I looked at them and walked out. Like my boys would take up a seat!!

Life just isn't fair somedays
no i think they should be free
depends on what kind of event, but I would not pay that much for my baby, for just one event...
I don't think it's fair, given that it essentially penalizes mothers for nursing.

Even if you're not breastfeeding, you could still call a manager and complain along those lines. Nursing babies SHOULD go EVERYWHERE their mother does, with no unnecessary added hassle or expense to the mother.

That makes sense merely from a public health standpoint...

Logistically, no, you don't pay for somebody whose 'chair' = a front-carrier. It's absurd to charge admission to somebody who couldn't take up a seat if they wanted to.

(all that said, leave your SUV stroller at home, and make a dash for the exit the second baby's face crinkles into a pre-cry...)
no, since they don't require seats. but babies 0-3 shouldn't go to events anyway cuz they annoy the people who pay

Has anyone noticed that people tend to dress casual for nice events more?.....?

I recently wen't to my sons high school graduation and noticed that very few, if any, parents or guests dressed nicely for the ceremony. They were in flip flops, summer dresses, and t-shirts. Twenty years ago if you dressed like that you would stand out like a sore thumb next to all the people who were in suits, ties, and dresses. What is happening to our culture? Arn't some events worthy of showing respect? It's like everyone thought the invitation was for the country fair, not a graduation.

Has anyone noticed that people tend to dress casual for nice events more?.....?met opera

An unfortunate sign of the times, standards are not dropping they are being blatantly ignored. Make a stand and show the people how it should be done..!!!

Has anyone noticed that people tend to dress casual for nice events more?.....?movie theatre opera theater

I really dont think that dressing up nice means that your showing respect to the person..

hell just showing up should already show that you have a hell of alot of respect for the person just for being there..

some people find formal clothes uncomfortable, unbearable they feel they look better in casual clothes! its a dieing age you dont have to spiff up for events like graduations anymore as long as ur there and giving ur support that should be good enough.
I have noticed the same thing. People even wear jeans to weddings!
Things change and I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. I hate it when people judge you because of what you're wearing which is essentially what was happening twenty years ago. Go wherever you're going and have fun. Don't worry so much about what others are wearing.
That's fine by me. Suits are stupid looking and non-functional. I don't know how we ever came to wear such absurd costumes.
The problem is that ppl don't really care any more. They think it is style to dress like that.

I wouldn't blame them as much. The teens now want their parents to be MODERN so the parents don't want to embaress their daughters and sons.
that's so they can show off their incredibly sexy bodies more
This is something I too have noticed at recent events.

We can only assume why some people do not care for changing their attire when they are invited to a special event. Either they do not have anything nice-er to wear, they are uncomfortable dressed up or they just simply do not care.

Personally, I think they just don't care.

Should every invitation state "proper attire only"?


Recommend a digital SLR camera good for everyday use AND sporting events in a gym & outdoors?

Need to move to a SLR camera - looking for something in the mid-range ($500/600) if that is doable. Want to use it for everyday type indoor/outdoor use - as well as fast action sporting events in gyms. The later is where I have had problem getting clear pictures w/ previous digital cameras. Also - need some ease of use. As a busy working mom I don't have time to read a 200 page book on how to use the camera. Basically striving for a good all around camera w/ clear pics from wrestling season this year. Have been considerign teh Nikon D40 but wonder if it will do enough for me.

Recommend a digital SLR camera good for everyday use AND sporting events in a gym %26amp; outdoors?lyric opera

Take a look into the Canon XT but my next pick would be the Fuji (PIX) S9600 28-300 zoom, though it is not a DSLR it is an awesome advanced digital. Check out all of your options at

Recommend a digital SLR camera good for everyday use AND sporting events in a gym %26amp; outdoors?imax theater opera theater

With your budget, I don't know of any other camera that will be better than the Nikon D40. I have heard many good things about the D40, however, the lens supplied in DSLR kits will probable not work for what you want to do. I'm not sure how dark those indoor sporting events are going to be--I'm thinking your lens choice is more important than the camera body.

I assume you want those indoor shots without flash, so remember, make sure you don't limit the ability of your DSLR with a bad lens. You want a very large aperture--2.8 would work well. And stick with GOOD brands of counts when buying lenses, if you pay less, you get less. You might end up spending twice as much, or more, for the lens than the camera body.

Hope some of this info helps...Good luck!
If you don't have time to READ %26amp; STUDY the Owner's Manual then how do you expect to learn how to use the camera?

Digital cameras do not posess "magical powers" that allow you to say "Take a great picture" and get a great picture. You must know how to operate the camera to get the results you want. In order to know how to operate the camera you have to READ %26amp; STUDY the Owner's Manual.

Would you buy a car with a manual transmission if you didn't know how to drive a car with a manual transmission?
$500 to $600 isn't "mid-range." That's an entry-level price.

For that price, you're looking at a basic digital SLR body with a basic 18-55mm lens. I would suggest adding a monopod to that to help steady your shots.

If you need more telephoto, then you'll need to add a 55-200mm VR lens, which is another $150. The standard 18-55mm lens is roughly equivalent to the 3x zooms found on standard point and shoots, so if you find you need more "zoom," then you'd need to get the 55-200mm lens.

To help get sharper shots, increase the camera ISO to 800 or 1600 when shooting indoors in poor lighting.

The D40 will work just fine, set the camera to fully automatic, the ISO to 800 or better, with automatic white balancing, and you should do much better than with your previous digital cameras.
check out the nikon d40x
Any of the entry level DSLRs will work for what you want. It's the lens that you will need that will get you the photo you want. The kit lens provided with the camera will give you decent photos outdoors but the same lens won't for indoor fast action sporting events, you would need a fast lens for that type of shooting and depending on how far you are from the action , you would need a fast zoom lens. You really should make time to read the cameras manual, it'll help you to take better photos.
I will point you towards the Pentax K100D. It is in your price range including the 18-55 kit zoom.

The big advantage to the Pentax over Canon and Nikon is that the shake reduction (VR, IS) is in the camera body rather than the lens. This means that the SR works with any lens you put on the front of the camera.

A second advantage to the Pentax is that it will work with any lens you can mount on it. Even a 1956 screw mount lens will work on the Pentax with an adapter - of course you cannot get auto focus with a manual focus lens, and the exposure is manual only, but the lens will work just fine.

I have the big brother to the K100D, the K10D, and I am using two 1976 lenses on it (in manual focus and exposure), a Pentax SMC-M Macro 100mm f/4 and a .Pentax SMC-M 400mm f/5.6. I also have a Pentax SMC-A 70-210mm f/4 which will auto expose, but is manual focus.

I bought the Pentax 400 mm f/5.6 lens some years ago for Cdn $330, and have recently seen one advertised for US $325 on eBay.

Although Pentax's current lens line is a bit limited, there are so many Pentax lenses available used, that there is no problem getting the lens you want, and usually at a reasonable price.

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?

In Genesis 1:1, the earth and "heaven" are created together "in the beginning," whereas according to current estimates, the earth was formed about 9 billion years after the universe began its current expansion 13.7 billion years ago.

In Genesis, the earth is created (1:1) before light (1:3), sun and stars (1:16), birds and whales (1:21) before reptiles and insects (1:24), and flowering plants (1:11) before any animals (1:20). The true order of events in each case was just the opposite.

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?opera house

That's because Genesis is comprised of two allegorical creation myths - one belonging to the northern kingdom of Israel, and one belonging to the southern kingdom of Judea. Both were entirely allegorical, and were not meant to convey historical events.

The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science?dream theater opera theater

consider that the first day (with sunlight, etc.), was created on the fourth day...that should tell you something...
It doesn't stop at genesis 1 either.
Nice try and darn good facts but I bet you don't get any converts.
it's called faith

Evolutionary theory contradicts the truth.

Show me a bone pulled out of the dirt that has a date stamped on it.

There aren't any.

Dates are ascribed on the basis of "best guess". All they know is where they found it, they don't know how old that dirt is! There is no objective method of calculating a date.

Were you aware that carbon dating PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth is less than 30,000 years old? IT'S TRUE!!

If the earth were more than 30,000 years old, the atmosphere would not be INCREASING in radioactive carbon 14, yet it is!

Equilibrium would have been reached and the radioactive carbon 14 saturation of the atmosphere would remain constant if the earth were more than 30,000 years old, but it has not!

The Bible is right, your theories are wrong, you're on the wrong side of fact.

You should read Robert Alter's translation of the book of Genesis. It's a literal translation that focuses on translating the words %26amp; ideas, not the theology behind it. You'll understand how much theology influenced the English translations that we have.

By the way, there are 2 accounts of the creation in the book of Genesis: chapter 1 and chapter 2. They're completely different because they were both ideas adapted from 2 previously existing religions. Genesis is full of stuff like that.
How do you know the "true order" of things? What you are calling scientific is just somebody's wishful guess interpretation of evidence based upon his predisposed dogmatic religious belief in evolution.

We Christians, (and Jews for that matter), are perfectly well within our rights to believe Genesis 1 - 11 literally if we want to. I am perfectly satisfied to believe that it is a valid scientific account.
Says who. Some scientist who can only make a vast speculation upon something he wasn't there to witness. And can neither fathom.

Life doesn't spring about from nothing. No matter if it were 3 years ago....500 years ago..., million years ago. 4.5 million years ago.... A billion years ago.

The simple fact is you people are easily confused by a lot of big words and calculations - speculations and assumptions (atheists do this a lot. Darwin was one of the best).

Common sense states that 0 + 0 + 0 =you guessed it (I hope) NOTHING.

God bless
Ask God, He was there when He created it all, I'm sure he can clear it all up for you...

oh, and by the way, I like how when describing your "true order of events" you use the phrase "current estimates," as in someones guess at this precise moment which is subject to change if someone else can argue convencingly enough that their guess is better.

Why do you think that some people are haunted by certain events or tragedies for the rest of their l

I believe that certain graphic images of tragic events in which the person was witness to, are indelibly etched into a person's psyche. An image that is impossible to forget no matter how hard you try.

Why do you think that some people are haunted by certain events or tragedies for the rest of their lives?opera mobile


Well while you may be right, I feel a strong connection to the "Other Side", one in which has a much stronger control over us.

You could be right. In any event when events are so traumatic, so heart wrenching, so overwhelming that one feels they are loosing their mind //or psyche..... then yeah, your right !! When other folks feel that strongly about such tragic events then its very impossible to shake off those deeply embedded feelings, no matter how hard one trys, to do so.

Why do you think that some people are haunted by certain events or tragedies for the rest of their lives?imax theatre opera theater

Perhaps not forget, but in time, think of the tragedy less and if a love one was involved remember the good things of their life. You must have a reason for asking this, and I am sorry for whatever is hurting you.
usually it affects a person if they or a loved one or friend as had a tragedy like a bad accident or a horrible death some people just have a hard time, but the best thing to do in that case see a councillor or your family doctor.
People are usually haunted by horrific events when these events have had a major impact on their alter-ego. The human mind is the best video camera there is, once it captures something that has changed the past and future of its existence it keeps replaying it. These images aren't meant to be forgotten but they are meant to be dealt with.
I'm 14, and last year my bestfriend died. I remember first walking into the church, and seeing the edge of the coffin she was in. Then walking up to it and looking down and seeing her..lying there. I remember how I tried and tried to get her to wake up but she wouldn't, and how she just looked. How cold her skin was, and how lifeless she seemed. I have thought about that moment every single day since it has happened. I'm hoping that memory will fade, but I don't think it will. I remember everything about it. How all of the flowers smelled, how it was kind of cold in the church, I remember hearing her aunt cry from the hall way. I think the things that mean the most, stay etched in our minds. Like, our first kiss, the first time you go to a new place or do something new, the first time you meet someone new, ect. ect. I hope the good memories will last a life time, and the bad ones will fade.
yes, tragic situations stick with people. no matter how hard people try images and words just stay with them the rest of their lives.

Florence, Italy! I will be in Florence the day before "Martedi Grosso." Are there any even

I realize that Venice is known for celebrating Mardi Gras or Carnevale, and that's where I'm headed; but, the day before, I will be in Florence. Is there a section of city where events take place? What types of events?

Florence, Italy! I will be in Florence the day before "Martedi Grosso." Are there any events?opera sheet music

We're talking about next year, so it'd be better to wait a closer date in order to ask for that :)

You can take a look at these site, for istance

but for sure the best is asking when you're in Florence :)

Marted矛 Grasso is just the end of Carnival; celebrations and events actually start by the end of January / beginning of February and some doesn't end on Marted矛 Grasso but go further, according to local tradition (like Carnevale Ambrosiano in Milan and nearby)

Florence, Italy! I will be in Florence the day before "Martedi Grosso." Are there any events?shows opera theater

event in florence occur often but without much notice. seriously its not that clear which ones are to occur and which ones arent. the reason why is because ive been studying there since 2002 and i notice a lot of event occuring on random days and i ask people about it and neither did they know that it was to occur. you see a lot of marching bands but with the historical outfits and the medieval look, the funny thing is, theres always someone at the beginning carring a flag or a banner wiht the title of the what..organization? 'comune'? association?? they always have some title of some town and no one except one or two people know what it is. even my bf, being from florence knows what on earth each event is when it occurs. same thing with holidays. there are tons of holidays all year round and when it comes i always ask him or an italian friend, 'ah! thats cool, so what are me suppose to celebrate?' and they always respond, 'oh uhh...some saint i think??' i ask, 'well which one? whats the story behind it?' and they always respond, 'i have no idea..' surprising, eh?

so your asking what events occur in february during the mardi grass? all i can answer to you is, i have no idea, you have to be THERE in florence to go to the information to office and ask and im sure they will know at least what holiday would be at what time, what hour, what street. in florence, they dont really celebrate the mardi grass as much as venice, maybe youll see a little party here, a little event over there, but theres no big celebration.

the place i DO recommend you to go where they DO celebrate the mardi grass as well, is Viareggio. its off west coast a little up north, you can catch a train from florence to Viareggio for a day, itll take no more than an hour to get there and they celebrate the mardi grass there big time. they have all these real cool floats, they have people dressed up (not as extravagant as in venice, they dress more like kiddy-fun-to-celebrate type, but its cool, really cool!

when you go there make sure to bring a good scarf, beenie, mittens and heavy sweater, because it gets coollld there or at least it did wheni was there a couple years ago,

have fun and enjoy the trip!
OMg venice is soo beautiful excpecialy at night!

Need to find out about prices of everyday items and other events that happend in 1966?

need to find out about prices of everyday items. and events that happend in 1966

Need to find out about prices of everyday items and other events that happend in 1966?listen to opera

Gas was only 32 cents per gallon!

Everything you need to know at the links below.

Where can I find a calendar of upcoming U.S. & World events?

I'm developing an editorial calendar for a general website that has an international audience, though the primary audience is in the U.S. Are there sites / resources (or other publications like the New York Times, etc.) that list upcoming national / world events that may be covered in the news? I'm interested in a wide range of categories (e.g. politics, entertainment, sports, life, business, travel, music, technology, etc.) and am not sure how to get started building such a calendar that is comprehensive.

Where can I find a calendar of upcoming U.S. %26amp; World events?city opera

Wikipedia definitely,just write the year and it will tell you everything

Where can I find a list of National and International Charity Events?

I've been doing yahoo and google searches and haven't been able to find a comprehensive listing of charity events (runs, fundraisers, balls, dinners, auctions, etc) either nationally or internationally. Does anyone know of anything like that?

A searchable database or one broken down by calendar or by country?



Where can I find a list of National and International Charity Events?passions soap opera

Go to Google site and ask them

Does anyone know of or know where to find conferences and events happening in the UK this year?

Does anyone know of or know where to find conferences and events happening in the UK this year?

I'm looking specifically at:

Retail Banks

Utility Companies (Water, gas oil etc.)

Investment Banks

Manufacturing Companies

Telecom Companies

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Does anyone know of or know where to find conferences and events happening in the UK this year?movie theater

sorry i cant be of help to you.

If you sue someone while they're in the military for events that prior to enlisting does the ss

I had a roommate that I kicked out because he wouldn't pay full rent, I caught him stealing from me, and he had abandoned a dog in the garage that I didn't use without me knowing about it. When I found the dog (almost dead) I told him to come get what he can and make arrangements to get the rest of his stuff from me because he is no longer welcomed. He had caused some damage to the property while he was living here, and because it took a few months to get estimates for the damages he had time to enlist in the military. To make a long story short he has been able to evade me serving him with a court date. When I talked to the judge about what was going on he said until he is off of active duty I can't do anything. Is there anything I can do to get this guy in court since the events I'm taking him to court for happened before he enlisted?

If you sue someone while they're in the military for events that prior to enlisting does the sscra still applyhome theater

Your hands are tied like the judge said. You gotta wait. Federal law which preempts state law. Statute of limitations will be tolled until such time as he can be legally served.

** Note: This answer has not created an attorney-client relationship. This is a general discussion of the subject matter of your question and not legal advice. Local laws or your particular situation may change the general rules. For a specific answer to your question you should consult legal counsel with whom you can discuss all the facts of your case. **

If you sue someone while they're in the military for events that prior to enlisting does the sscra still applycomedy club opera theater

Yes it does.

However, the Act does not mean that you can't do anything until he's off active duty.

The Act does NOT give servicemen "Carte Blanche" to avoid their legal obligations. What it requires judges to do is take military service into account, and give servicemen "equitable relief" in considering how to handle a lawsuit.

If your ex-roommate is based in the US, and you can find him and serve him, there's no reason a judge shouldn't let the suit proceed.

On the other hand, if he's in Iraq and your State allows service by publication, a judge should rule that - since he can't get back to defend the suit - the trial should be postponed until he's back.


I am not asking a question. I have no faith in Fifa and world fooball events. I am disgusted with th

It will be better African countries pull away from world football events organized by FIFA. FIFA must examine officals to know their stance on racism before entrusting them with responsibilities at fifa organised world events. To Hell.

I am not asking a question. I have no faith in Fifa and world fooball events. I am disgusted with the cheatingamc theater

If Brazil were to be eliminated in the world cup. than the world cup`s glamor would be gone, so says FIFA. to hell you go FIFA...

I am not asking a question. I have no faith in Fifa and world fooball events. I am disgusted with the cheatingconcerts opera theater

You're aren't asking a question.
If you're referring to the Ghana vs Brazil match; completely agree with what you're saying.

FIFA and refs should stop favouring 'big' countries.
If everyone quit, we could cancel soccer altogether. What a wonderful world it would be!
whta teh heck to u mena cheating. u cant cheat in soccer

ahhnow i now wat u mena

i agree reffs can pick and choose who the winner of the game . i thikn we shoudl just make reffer robots!!
I sympathize!!

There's too much "politics" in soccer (another example, the Italian league - big teams on trial because of "fabricating" results).

It IS disappointing. Such a beautiful game. To Hell!

How do i get google calender with all indian holydays and events?

I have my personal calender. How do i get another google calender with all indian holydays and events.

How do i get google calender with all indian holydays and events?movie theatre

You will have to add data from another calendar with indian holydays to your calendar. First search for a calendar having this data. Then See :

How do i get google calender with all indian holydays and events?playhouse opera theater

You need to go in "Settings" to choose which country you are in and which events to get.

Is it correct to say " from this moment a chain off events happens"?

or "this moment sets off a chain of events"

thanks very much

Is it correct to say " from this moment a chain off events happens"?imax theater

"This moment sets off a chain of events" is the most correct.

Is it correct to say " from this moment a chain off events happens"?classical music opera theater

yes that is what will happen.
i think it should be "from this moment a chain of events happens/ed"


"this moment sets off a chain of events"
no the first one doesnt make sense you're misisng a preposition or something in there
this decision, action whatever set off a chain of events to keep it in the active tense.
actually it should be:

"from this moment a chain of events happen".

Does anyone know how to fix it when iPhoto creats two events for the same set of photos in OS X?

Does anyone know how to fix it when iPhoto creats two events for the same set of photos? Thanks

Does anyone know how to fix it when iPhoto creats two events for the same set of photos in OS X?dream theater

iPhoto tutorial here

Can I still join Alpha Kappa Alpha if I have never attended any of their events.?

It's just that I have just become interested in AKA and I have never gone to any of their events because I wasn't sure if I wanted to join a sorority, but now I am starting to think about possibly joining AKA. But, now I am afraid that since I have never gone to any of their events and haven't made any relationships with the girls, my chances will be lowered.

Can I still join Alpha Kappa Alpha if I have never attended any of their events.?amc theatre

Please do your best to research the history of this sorority and make sure that it is what you want. Then if you still want to join try to attend the events that they may have.

Yes attend the rush you won't die if you do. Just make sure that you have everything in order.

All the best!

Can I still join Alpha Kappa Alpha if I have never attended any of their events.?symphony opera theater

you can't join. It's the middle of the semester- If you want to join you have to go to the house during rush week and see if they like you. If they do, you'll get a letter and they'll admit you. Rush week is definetly over, and if you didn't go, they won't let you in (unless you have a mother that was head of the chapter or something- then maybe they'll make an exception).

A list of Harley dealerships in Ohio and a list of events for harleys?

I would like to know of harley shows and/or events over the year

A list of Harley dealerships in Ohio and a list of events for harleys?imax theatre

Check the internet

A list of Harley dealerships in Ohio and a list of events for harleys?performing show opera theater

souTheast and smithies on 140 th Lorain lists of events are on fliers in stores

If congress never declared war then how are all the dictator events taking place?

(c) Presidential executive power as Commander-in-Chief; limitation

The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly

indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to

(1) a declaration of war,

(2) specific statutory authorization, or

(3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

Follow up to my prior question about our Dictator, if congress never declared war then how are all the events happening possible and if they declared war then when where date and time

If congress never declared war then how are all the dictator events taking place?shows

They did declare war on . But the real results are from a rule that allows the president to activate troops for 90 days without congressional approval. At which time congress has to authorize their stay, or they come home. It is so expensive to activitate troops and to bring them home that congress is not likely to deny authorization. Plus, we had already created a mess, and now we need to clean it up. Congress recognizes that unlike the American public. We may have made a mistake in going, but we can't change the fact that we did. Now we should own up to our actions and follow through.

If congress never declared war then how are all the dictator events taking place?comedy show opera theater

#2).......Bush went to congress, and they authorized this in passed almost unanimously....look it up and see.
The answer is in your question, and if you are truly concerned about this , have you contacted your congressman and senator or are you one of the ones who just sit around whine about it.
we are not officially at war with anyone, we operate covertly in most cases.

Please help me: What is a good way to find local events/festivals/carnivals???

I have tried my local papers' websites and found nothing. I am in the NW Chicago burbs and would like to find any festivals, carnivals, or otherwise public events in any towns in my surrounding area. if anybody knows of an easy way to find this info PLEASE tell me. PEACE.

Please help me: What is a good way to find local events/festivals/carnivals???concert venue

u could look in newspapers

Please help me: What is a good way to find local events/festivals/carnivals???events opera theater

try your area's "chamber of commerce"

it ought to be in the phone book

# This type of graph can be used to make predictions about events usually related to time?

This type of graph can be used to make predictions about events usually related to time

line, bar or pie

# This type of graph can be used to make predictions about events usually related to time?performing shows


# This type of graph can be used to make predictions about events usually related to time?say yes opera theater

The line graph can be extrapolated much more easily than the others.
That would have to be a line graph.

Hello i want to look for banquet hall for party by events. where i can find it a local for me?

that i can pay deopist for it and alike i will bring d.j and dance all of it stuff in it. there have events for deaf basketball game next month. i want people have a fun time for enjoy that day.

Hello i want to look for banquet hall for party by events. where i can find it a local for me?mr messed up

Look in the yellow pages of your phone book. You'll find them all grouped nicely in there! I forget what it is under. Try looking under one of these keywords any you'll get everything you need! Good luck!

Weddings, Banquet, DJ, Party

What do i need to say in an application for an events organiser?

I am replying to an ad in the paper to a vacancy titled 'events organiser/administrator' and although I have contacted the company they havent told me what qualities i need or what they are looking for. I have no experience in this area, and they sai that it does not matter. But I need to write a written application and do not know what to say. Does any one know what they look for?? Am very grateful for your time. Thanks!

What do i need to say in an application for an events organiser?tickets

You need to have great people skills, it helps if you are very outgoing, be very good under pressure and be able to multi-task for sure.

The main thing they will be looking for is personality which they will only be able to assess in an interview all the other skills can be learnt which is why they don't mind lack of experience.

All you can do is tell them about yourself and your interests and if you are the right person it will come across in the interview.

Oh and if you want to work in events you can kiss goodbye to your personal life lol

Is it possible at present to take pictures of the past events?

Mr. Baird T Spalding wrote in his book that He had used a special camera to be able to take pictures of the past events.

Is it possible at present to take pictures of the past events?comedy club

Actually every camera on this earth can take pictures of past events. curious as to how this is possible? I'll tell you how.

Take any digital or film camera video or still doesnt matter. mount it on a tripod or hold your camera very still. At night, when this is recomended for best results, point your camera up to the sky and take a picture. See the stars in your pictures? yes? then chances are, youve just taken a picture of past events. When light leaves a star, we don't see the images of the star for hundred or maybe thousands of years. The image you see of the star is a gleaming glory of a past long gone by the time it reaches earth. Some of the stars may not even exist anymore.

Looking for another answer? Something like seeing what someone did in your bathroom to clog the toilet? I doubt any camera will ever be able to do that for you. At least not in the line of generating a traition picture.

The guy was talking in a relative term of captured moments. Your question is relavant. It isnt good to say that the camera captures pictures of the past because it makes people ask this question. At the time of the event the camera was there and so was the picture. Then the action of capture for the picture is parallel to the event it captured at it's present time not it's past.

Is it possible at present to take pictures of the past events?sheet music opera theater

yes. but provided with the condition that past event should be recorded in video format by any one. u can put your search of the events which was likely to be covered by someone. u can have photographs through the photocutter software. so simple.
you can take the past events.first draw all the events and take photos. imagination written in the book all are not possible.
Spalding wasn't speaking in literal terms. Metaphorically speaking all cameras are time machines. As soon as the shutter closes on the camera it captures a moment never to occur again. Whether you are looking at a print of a dead civil war soldier from 150 years ago, or a photo just captured on your cell phone 2 seconds ago, you are viewing the past.
what kind of camera do y ou have?
Yes. Get a time machine. Travel back in time. Take pictures.

I need help with history homework!!!!!!!! Do you know of any events in history that repeat themselve

i need current events in world history that have repeated themselves

I need help with history homework!!!!!!!! Do you know of any events in history that repeat themselves?concerts

Try this website:

I need help with history homework!!!!!!!! Do you know of any events in history that repeat themselves?headache opera theater

You mean, besides things like elections?
Vietnam- America sends troops to stop the threat of Communism taking over the world. Embroiled in a no win situation, thousands died in a long war with no results.

Iraq- America sends troops to stop the threat of...wmd? Terrorists? Embroiled in a no win situation, thousands died in a long war with no results.
War is something that always repeats itself, for example WW1 and WW2 they were basically the same thing and all the world leaders are after one thing and that is power.
I'll tell you about 1 historical event that happened twice that had a major impact on the world. This was the invasion of Russia. Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia at the beginning of the 19th Century and Adolph Hitler did it in the 20th century.Both of these wars cost the lives of millions of people. They say those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it's failure. I'll let you look up the dates and facts if you like this topic, after all it is your homework.
I agree with James M

What homeopathic remedies are effective against fear and anxiety before important events?

Events include going to the bank (crowded public places), giving a speech, examinations, etc.

What homeopathic remedies are effective against fear and anxiety before important events?playhouse

Primarily ACONITE is the Homeopathic remedy for Fear of going into crowded places use it preferbly in 200 or 1M potency, Fear of making a speech or stage fright GELSEMIUM in 200, Fear or Anxiety because of any up coming event ARGENTUM NITRICUM in 30 or 200. Below I have given a list of Homeopathic Remedies along with the potency and dosage of different remedies for Fear of different things :-

Fear of :-

Falling; downward motion Borax 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Of pointed things; knives and forks etc. Spigelia 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Of Dogs; animals Belladonna 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Being alone; thunder strom, ghosts etc. Phosphorus 200, once weekly (3 Doses)

Appearance before audience; examination etc. Argentum Nit 30 or 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

Fear of failure, stage fright (examinations etc) Gelsemium 30 or 200, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Aeroplanes flying over the head Aconite 200 or 1M, hourly (3 Doses)

Child fears to go to bed alone Causticum 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Fear to be alone; feels better in open air even though patient is chilly Pulsatilla 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Fear of poverty Calcarea Flour 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of accidents Carbo Veg 200, once weekly (3 Doses)

If Carbo Veg fails, Psorinum 200, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of being touched Arnica 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of Cholera Lachesis 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of consumption; contagious disease, going to a dentist Calcarea Carb 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of cutting face while saving Caladiums 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of dark Stramonium 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Fear of death; impending illness, disgust for life Pneumococcin 200, at 10 min interval (3 Doses)

Intercurrent remedy Sulphur 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

And here are the Homeopathic remedies used for Anxiety due to different reasons :-

Sudden with restlessness and fear of death Aconite 30 or 200, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

Prolonged with periodic and panic attacks Arsenic Album 200, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

With fainting spells; profuse sweating; worse in the morning sulphur 30 or 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation Argentum Nit 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Worse lying in bed and closing the eyes Carbo Veg 30 or 200, 4 hourly (6 Doses)

Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion; going in an elevator; worse till 11 P.M. Borax 200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxious about business even when seriously ill Bryonia Alba 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Full of apprehensions in the evening Causticum 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety and fears in the evening with restlessness and palpitation Calcarea carb 200 or 1M. 3 hourly(3 Doses)

Anxiety worse while lying still. Sad music ameliorates the complaints Manganum Acet 200, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety due to fright, fear, exciting news; stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc Gelsemium 30 or 200 3 hourly (6 Doses)

Anxiety due to grief or shock in the subconscious mind Ignatia 200 or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

Anxiety; better after eating Anacardium Or 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless you.

P.S :-

Rescue Remedy is another very good option. I wonder if people do read the question before answering them, none of the other answerers have given a single homeopathic suggestion and looking at Kalos P's answer it seems he/she is just fond of ranting against Homeopathy instead of trying to answer the question :o) and as far as I know ranting is against the Yahoo Users Community Guidelines or isn't it ?

Take care.

What homeopathic remedies are effective against fear and anxiety before important events?plays opera theater

Rescue remedy. It calms the nerves.

I don't think Kalos O has ever even tried homeopathy, he just likes to diss on it.
Facing your fear is probably the best way to beat it! I know sometimes drinking some warm milk helps when I feel that anxious feeling coming on! Good Luck to you%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; :)
Bach's Rescue Remedy tincture (drops). Arnica, Ignatia, the blend Calm.
- Going to the bank (crowded public places) - do your banking online or at low traffic times like earlier in the day.

- giving a speech - think of everyone naked (with black modesty bars to cover their bits), that should relax you

- examinations - study hard and focus on answering the test, walk out with a smile.
there's something called rescue remedy which comes in drop or tablet form that will definitely help. obviously the drops are more concentrated though
Aside from "Rescue Remedy", there are some other natural products that help with stress and anxiety. There is St. John's Wort, SAMe, some B-Vitamins, GABA, Ashwagandha, and L-Theanine.

As far as fear, that's entirely a mental block.... it's not a chemical reaction, so no supplement could really help you with your fears. The only way to beat fear is to face it.... and for all the fears that I've beaten, I've realized that none of them are ever as scary as I think they're going to be. Try facing the "easiest" one first, and you'll see what I mean.
GABA is great!

A security supervisor short of officers have equipment problem and unscheduled events what would you

museum security supervisor short of officers,equipment problems and unscheduled events. What would you do to open the museum and still provide for a safe environment?

A security supervisor short of officers have equipment problem and unscheduled events what would you do?classical music

Hire off duty police officers/security guards from other companies.

Has anyone heard of a website that lets you post nightclub events on the internet for Atlanta? What&

Besides myspace, what sites can you post events and happenings at local Atlanta clubs on the internet?

Has anyone heard of a website that lets you post nightclub events on the internet for Atlanta? What's the url?performing arts; also check out creative loafing. at

Have recently read the book Lord of The Flies, I find that it symbolizes many events of WW2, please

I have recently read this book in class. Throughout this book, I have noticed that many of the ideas presented symbolize key events in WW2. I also know that William Golding was a slightly pesimistic person, and he lived during WW2. Some of the events that I have found to be representfull are:

-Jack`s rise to power. Which is very similar to Hitlers.

-Ralph`s orriginal appeasment and freindliness towards Jack. Most countries tried to appease Hitler...

-Ralph`s neglect of Piggy, eventually leading to his death. Only when Hitler invaded Poland did the war begin.

-When Jack and his tribe raided what was reamaining of RAlph`s tribe, to steal Piggy`s glasses. This symbolizes the Holoucost / The Shoah.

-And many more...

1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.


Have recently read the book Lord of The Flies, I find that it symbolizes many events of WW2, please comment?symphony

That's quite interesting.

I knew Golding wrote about it based on WW2, but I had never thought about it that deeply.

Do you think the negative, disabled depiction of Piggy could have something to do with the Hilter's presentation of the Jews?

Have recently read the book Lord of The Flies, I find that it symbolizes many events of WW2, please comment?performing arts center opera theater

Very good connections. :]

This book is actually based on if there was a WW3, which would be a nuclear war.

As I recall, the plane the children were on was shot down and they were rescued by people in uniform, coming from a ship.
its true that there are no wrong interpretations

but whether the author's intention was that...

u can only know through extensive research

about both the author's life and the ww2.

ur interpretation sounds fine but it doesnt convince me that the author wanted to give that idea...

Do anyone know of any websites that'll give me fun events for teens in philly?

and like nite life events for young adults?

Do anyone know of any websites that'll give me fun events for teens in philly?performing show

Do anyone know of any websites that'll give me fun events for teens in philly?opera score opera theater

Do you get embarassed for the gay community when you attend events like Gay Pride Festivals?

Today was gay pride in Phoenix. My boyfriend and I had to be on a float in the parade and then immediately go to work a booth at the festival. After people watching all day, I had mixed feelings about the gay community. Part of me was thankful there are events like gay pride that allow the community to be themselves. On the other hand, some of the guys behaved and carried themselves in a way that made me feel ashamed to be called a gay man. My boyfriend and I are both very masculine but enjoy our more effeminate friends. I have to be honest about how I felt ashamed of a significant portion of our gay community. Have you ever observed behavior from some gay men that made you embarassed or ashamed to be a gay person?

Do you get embarassed for the gay community when you attend events like Gay Pride Festivals?comedy show

no, I never felt embarrassed or ashamed of Gay Pride Festivals . There are alot of masculine gay men who don't even attend pride because of this, but it's nice that you went to represent yourself in the gay community to show there can be many types of gay people.

I seen this video on youtube with Harvey fierstein talking about gay pride and it makes perfect sense and kind of puts things in plus he's funny

Do you get embarassed for the gay community when you attend events like Gay Pride Festivals?greek theater opera theater

I have to say that yes, I have felt embarassed of our community. Sometimes I would see the gay guys at school and be like oh my gosh please stop acting like that. I'm also very masculine acting, but I'm not ashamed to be gay really, or ever have been.
No. I've marched in the NYC Gay Pride Parade several years in a row with a local New Jersey GLBT organization. I really enjoy it. Yes, there are some people in the GLBT community who go a little over the top with their costumes and so on, what? Have you seen what straight folks get up to during Mardi Gras?

Gay Pride is a party, and people like to dress up and go a little wild at parties. I have no problem with that. :-)

And for every party boy in short-shorts and no shirt dancing on a float, or for every drag queen in her sequined finery and high heels, or for every leather-clad lesbian on her motorcycle, there are hundreds of other gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered people, like me, marching in the parade or watching from the sidelines, who would blend into any crowd at any mall or Main Street in America. And that, for me is the true joy of being in or at the Gay Pride Parade -- the realization that we ARE everywhere -- gay cops and firefighters in uniform, gay lawyers and judges, gay health professionals and social workers; GLBT church groups and youth groups and GBLT groups representing almost every ethnicity you can think of; GBLT employee groups from companies like AT%26amp; T and Macy's and Starbucks, to name a few. I mean, the list goes on and on.

And in answer to your question, no, I've never observed behavior from gay men (or women) that made me embarrassed or ashamed of being gay. They're adults. I'm not responsible for their behavior, they are!

I've seen occasional behavior at gay pride events that makes me go "Wow, I can't believe they're doing that in public!" but it has no bearing on my own self-esteem as a lesbian. I have no control over what other people do, and what other people do has nothing to do with who I am as a human being. Period.
NO! If I was going to feel or be embarassed I would not be who I am.

I need help on an english project, i need any important events and people from 1965, i think we need

anyone who can hep me i would worship, well, not quite, but anyone with any names or events, just so i can look them up would be a god to me, i need this to get my grades up in that class

I need help on an english project, i need any important events and people from 1965, i think we need 5 of eachevents


1.The first US combat troops arrive in Vietnam. By the end of the year, 190,000 American soldiers are in Vietnam. Background: Vietnam War

2.Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and more than 2,600 others arrested in Selma, Ala., during demonstrations against voter-registration rules (Feb. 1). Background: Civil Rights

3.Riot for six days in Watts section of Los Angeles: 34 dead, over 1,000 injured, nearly 4,000 arrested (Aug. 11-16).

4.The Sound of Music premieres. An instant hit, the film was one of the top-grossing films of 1965 and remains one of film's most popular musicals.

5.The Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak: An estimated fifty-one tornadoes (forty-seven confirmed) hit in six Midwestern states killing anywhere from 256 to 271 people and injuring some 1,500 more.


1.Bill Cosby, starring in I Spy, becomes the first African American to headline a television show.

2.Lyndon B. Johnson announces his program to create Medicare and to expand his war on poverty

3.Malcolm X shot in New York

4.Cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov, leaving his spacecraft Voskhod 2 for 12 minutes, becomes the first person to walk in space

5.The Beatles

I need help on an english project, i need any important events and people from 1965, i think we need 5 of eachhome theatre opera theater

Major Events of 1965

Vietnam war escalation begins, 150,000 US troops deployed to Vietnam.

United States invades the Dominican Republic.

US black nationalist leader, Malcolm X, is assassinated in Harlem.

Canada adopts the red and white maple leaf flag.

Rhodesia makes Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, in order to preserve white minority rule.

Construction of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis completed.
Google important history in 1965

If you had no prior concept of a loving God, would these events lead you to the conclusion that He e

If you had no prior conception of a loving God, which of the following events would lead you to the conclusion that such a loving God exists?

+The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, that left more than 230,000 people dead or missing and destroyed countless villages and towns.

+The 2005 Pakistani earthquake that killed more than 75,000 people and destroyed countless villages and towns.

+The 2005 US Hurricanes (Katrina and Rita) that together killed 1842 people and did almost $100 Billion dollars' damage.

Does this question make it more understandable why atheists do not believe in God?

If you had no prior concept of a loving God, would these events lead you to the conclusion that He exists?say yes

If I had no prior concept of a loving God, no events would lead me to conclude he exists. Duh.

If you had no prior concept of a loving God, would these events lead you to the conclusion that He exists?palace theatre opera theaterPerhaps you should be asking what people witnessed which inclined them to believe in God in the first place, instead of using flawed logic in an attempt to make theism seem unreasonable. Report It

Why do I get the blame for everything George Bush does wrong.
Creation would let me know he existed.
yes, well done
No, these events suggest to me an urgency to repent and draw close to God because life is uncertain. God's mercy has given the creation a free will and to live within it we face tragedy and sorrow - so why not find relief and assurance?
In that scenario - the opposite often happens. People look for something to hold on to when there existence appears shaky. Even 911 is a classic example of the churches being packed the following week.
I already know why atheists (actually agnostics) believe the way they do: "Light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil"
somewhere i heard the saying that god is subtle, but not malicious...

those natural disasters were brought on by humans because of their consistent exploitation, pollution, etc. from planet earth....

if god does exist maybe this is his message

if god does not exist, maybe the planet is taking out its revenge....
Atheism is the one true path to God:)
It does - but it doesn't preclude the belief in a "Wrathfull God".

People seem to be able to make infinite excuses for "God" -- no doubt your question will illicit some of them!
Apparently these things aren't God's fault. God loves us... he just... doesn't give a crap about the weather and what it might do to us!
dog sneeze said it best: without being taught that a god exists, most people would never come up with such a wild notion.
Jesus Christ said "Unless you repent, you shall all in like manner perish".

Then He went and died on a cross for the sins of the world.
What does God's love have to do with natural events? God loves animals too and do we hold him reasonable for road kill?
Isn't it funny how God is blamed for all the bad things but when it comes to the good things He doesn't exist??? You can't have it both ways... either he exists and is responsible for the good and the bad or he doesn't exist... pick one and stick with it...
The amazing medical advances that His creation has been able to make through the Knowledge and skills He has given them, which SAVED countless millions of lives; the technological advancements also, just in the last century ALONE; where knowledge is multiplied 100fold every few years, just to name a couple off the top of my head.....


It just depends on your perspective, N H

I believe GOD gives man the ability, intelligence, and the DESIRES to explore their limits and test their environments in new and exciting ways and that He blesses hard work and diligence when it's for a worthy cause that will benefit all of humanity. If you can BLAME God for the bad, Please don't DEPRIVE me of PRAISING Him for inspiring the GOOD in mankind! Fair is fair!
No, why do you choose to look at the negative aspects of all of these events. Did you not see the out pour of the many brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus that helped return those who were still there to a sense of a normal life. This is the point that all who beleive will see, that God was in the midst of all of this, positively, not in the negative.
These events had nothing to do with God and no, I can't understand why atheist do not believe in God.
It should show them that Satan is alive and well on planet earth.

When you curse God at every turn and blame him for every evil deed .WHY should he help you?

It is written:If my people which are called by my name shall humble them self and seek my face then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.Do what God said,then you will see God move.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
The question is disingenuous because it ignores any events which are good. Yes, terrible things happen, but they do not happen in a vaccuum. The world is ours to make of it what we will. I don't think saving people from natural disasters is part of the deal. It interfears with free will. From God's point of view, I do not think that letting people die could be construed as unloving, since everyone will inevitably die anyway. Being safe and happy all the time and never dying is what Heaven is supposed to be.
Are these things also classed by Insurers as "Acts of God"? One poster commented that "creation" would lead her to believe their is a Loving God...yet, these events have had catastrophic effects on hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. How can a God that is credited for creation turn around and strike down His own "children" many of whom were already struggling with poverty? Should God not have stood in the way of these events and protected some of the most vulnerable rather than allowing utter devastation to destroy what little many of them had or to destroy the things they had worked countless hours to build up?

Well put...excellent point, thank you!
It proves Gods love for mankind. He warned us thousands of years ago that these things would happen, right before his return. He also warned that these things were just the beginning of sorrows.
Well when you put it like that it one could only draw one conclusion; you would think some "diety" for lack of a better word is very angry at us and is not everloving; but being the skeptic that I am; then I could turn it around and list lots of good events and dates and there fore the conclusion would be that there must be a good and everloving "diety" too. Thus confirming good vs evil; the old argument God VS Devil argument still exists and then it disproves atheism even more......thats why I prefer the agnostic approach; cause maybe just maybe we are all wrong.

It does show that atheists are using faulty logic (If that is their evidence) in determining if there is such a thing as a God.

It shows that atheists are looking to natural disasters and concluding that because nature functions as it does, that this is positive proof of the absence of supernatural entities.

That, to me, seems somewhat faulty logic. It's like saying that since we have crime, there mustn't be police or a judicial system.

People choose to live where they do. The reaon 1842 people died with Katrina and Rita, and other storms in that area is because people are living in a place where storms will flood thier homes. God doesn't make people live there.

Anyway, I'm not a Christian, but I'm simply pointing out that you can't use the fact that bad things happen to demonstrate that there isn't a God. The Bible doesn't state that God is omnibenevolent, or that he will always keep everyone from harm.
first off my friend

tsunamisi if you research their causes they are due to global warming from ice caps in the arctic we have a means of stopping this from happening if you believe in all the global warming situation. we also have the technology in preventing these things from happening such as designing oceanic barriers to protect our coasts but if we dont bother to do anything about it its our fault such as katrina. The mayor decided to squander the government monies to build casinos instead of updating the levies which put louisianna in jeopardy now the earthquake mind you i cant vouch for that but in the bible..... and if you read it you will see that the Lord had long before informed us of our futures in all situations to be ready, noahs ark that you may have heard about, he sent noah to tell everyone that the flood was coming, people decided that they were unconcerned with what he was telling them and thought he was a nut look what happened it was all due to the sins of the world we will suffer for what we do. to answer your question further of the loving God part. those who truly worship God he prepared them in everyone of thoe situations all the way down to 911 where some said that they somehow was late for work were not killed because God put obstacles in their way you have no idea what underhanded evil things were going on in the twins. look how every child from the day care center got out unscaved God from the beginning has told his people who did not sway from loving Him to hating Him from direting their paths to go here and to go there out of harms way. if you take the time to read the word of God, the King James version and not these off the wall man interperated versions you will see how God works and His ways are perfect on a last note it is well known that louisiana was a haven for witchcraft where his word clearly tells us and warned us thousands of years ago "I will not suffer a witch to live" You really need to read the word of God before making such claims that he is not a loving God. Next you'll be questioning why do people spank their children or put them on punishment if we did not love our children knowing from afar off where thier lives are headed we would let them do what they wanted and have them end up in jail or dead or what ever but because we love them we chastise them accordingly to raise them up to keep them from doing wrong mind you the deaths of so many people occured for one reason or the other, you can best believe either the people themselves or those in their blood line that refused God were warned long ago before these situations happened it was up to them to make the decision to do what the Lord told them to do I believe and know that the Lord would have told many of them to leave there jobs in the twins to another job but they seeked greed or what ever purpose it was, because of the greed of the mayor that the levies were not built properly to use the funds for sinful gambling casinos and so forth, and last most atheists have had to know God before denouncing Him you cant turn your back on something you dont or never knew anything about some have this thing because their loved ones past away God was to blame for it and they turned thier back on Him but its only because of thier stiff necks and their hardened hearts that they refused to understand the perfect will of God. They have no idea what was to take place with them If God saw fit to take them home it's God business not ours. Read the word of God and get true knowledge before condenming his perfect will.

We Didn't Start the Fire! What are some good ideas of events that should go down for the decade

I'm doing this for fun, but can anybody please provide me with suggestions for events that would go into my version of lyrics for WDSTF's '00? So far, this is what I have:

Y2K, Windows, Bush vs. Al Gore,

Gonzalez, Sydney, Yankees in the World series.

We Didn't Start the Fire! What are some good ideas of events that should go down for the decade of '00?getting late

Bill Gates pouring billions of aid money into Africa's medical infrastructure.

We Didn't Start the Fire! What are some good ideas of events that should go down for the decade of '00?regal theater opera theater

I don't know the name of the song but it should be the sound track for the 00's

"We didn't start the fire/ it was already there since the world began."

Okay, i know it's an 80's song but I rreeeaaally like it!
I think 9/11 is obvious.
9/11, Anna Nicole, Crocodile Hunter, All the fast food salad crazes, diet pills, umm umm.....0_o
Atkins Diet, Y2K, French riots, Lance is gay, 9/11 hits New York, Hurricane Katrina

Poison in the dog food, Kramer in a racist mood, Bob Hope lives to 100, the affair of Brangelina
Don't forget 9/11

Or Red Sox win world series.

In book : Deltora Quest, the forest of silence, what are some MAIN events in the story?

what are the main events in the book : Deltora Quest, the forest of silence?

In book : Deltora Quest, the forest of silence, what are some MAIN events in the story?ballet

General Research Guides for Students:

Easy to use links that will help with all your research needs, try typing a keyword or two into the search engine and see what happens.

In book : Deltora Quest, the forest of silence, what are some MAIN events in the story?globe theater opera theater

I almost read that series but the Alex Rider series, Pendragon series, Keyes to the Kingdom series, Young Bond series, got in the way. sorry :(

But, they were all a REALLY good series.

The date on my yahoo calendar add in is correct, but my events are showing one day early.?

When I go to Yahoo Calendar, all of my events are on the correct day, but in messenger they appear one day earlier. I have checked the date on my computer and it is correct.

The date on my yahoo calendar add in is correct, but my events are showing one day early.?sheet music

try on

The date on my yahoo calendar add in is correct, but my events are showing one day early.?state theatre opera theater

Just to remind you lest you forget.

Does the variance of a normal distribution ever plateau as the # of events considered approaches inf

I would like to know whether the probability of an outlier appearing approaches zero as the number of events considered approaches infinity.

Does the variance of a normal distribution ever plateau as the # of events considered approaches infinity?headache

I'm not quite sure what you mean. The possibility of an outlier is always going to be there. The proportion of outliers would approach the probability of an outlier. So if you consider an outlier to be any value that is more than 3 sd's away from the mean, then the probability of a outlier is always going to be 0.0027 regardless of what the previous values are or how many there are. It never becomes zero though.

edit: When people without knowledge of mathematics answer an advanced mathematical question, don't put too much thought into their answers. I think some of these people are being sarcastic. Infinity is, of course, not a number but a concept.

In general education statistics classes, we do not mention the fact that, say, the Central Limit Theorem requires the use of a limit as the sample size goes to infinity; we simply say that if n is large, then the sampling distribution for the sample mean is approximately normal. So approaching infinity is bascally saying that if the a value gets large enough, then the value of a function could get predictably close to a certain value. That is, of course, what a limit is in words, not a real mathematical definition.

Does the variance of a normal distribution ever plateau as the # of events considered approaches infinity?paramount theater opera theater

a variance will never plateau and infinity ( as mind bending as it sounds) cannot be approached.
Is it even possible to approach infinity? Something's either infinite or it's not. There's no in between. 5,000 is relatively just as distant from infinity as is 5,000,000. I suppose it would be a reduction in proportions, as in, when the number of events considered would double, the amount of variance would, in a perfect world, half. While the amount of variance might appear to near zero, the scale simply shrinks. Your differences become more and more relative. But the number of events could never be "close" to infinity, no matter how large the number is, unless it IS infinity. The variance will never plateau, and the outlier will always be proportionally distant from the mean, which is simply a severe reduction of scale.
My gut answer is no, but when I looked at this page:

my head almost exploded. I think you will like it.

Our university forensic science society is looking for forensic science related exhibitions/events?

Any exhibitions/events will need to be suitable for a group of 50+ travel is not an issue

Our university forensic science society is looking for forensic science related exhibitions/events?plays

Call your local crime lab, or any larger state or federal ones. The lab I used to work at did a 'dig' for exhumation of bodies that were donated to science (faked murder scenes). Some lab might be able to help you.

I recently bought the Itouch. can anyone tell me how to add events on the calander?

i know how to opne it and everything but it says no events and i would like to put things into the calander you know birthdays holidays stuff like that. help!

I recently bought the Itouch. can anyone tell me how to add events on the calander?ms stress

I believe the original software in the iTouch does not permit adding events unlike the iPhone. However Apple has/is about to release an update that is reported to add this feature.

I suggest you watch for an update to the ITouch and, when it is available, apply it.

Are there any recent movies starring Emily Browning (From Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events)....?

That are coming out? I loved her in Unfortunate Events, and I've heard she's a very actress, plus she's good looking. :P

So...any movies coming out from Emily Browning's belt?

Are there any recent movies starring Emily Browning (From Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events)....?binoculars

There was one after that called "Stranded"...

She is currently filming one called "A Tale of Two Sisters"

Are there any recent movies starring Emily Browning (From Lemony Snickets Unfortunate Events)....?violin opera theater

There is one. It's called Suburban Girl. It also stars Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin. I think its already out.

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?

I watched Loose Change on Google Video and the film makes a pretty good argument that we are all being fed a complete lie about the events of 9/11. Anyone who sees this film will question the official version, as I do now.

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?performing arts center

I did, for about an hour.

Then I watched not only "Loose Change" ( but

"The 9/11 Mysteries" (

"The Weekend BEFORE 9/11" (

and the OMINOUSLY titled "The 9/11 Solution", which was PULLED and SANCTIONED by Google for no given reason! (

I dare ANYONE to take the time to WATCH these videos and OPEN YOUR EYES. It's coming people... are you gonna bend over and take it, or are you going to FIGHT BACK?

Does anybody actually believe the official government version of the 9/11 events anymore?sunshine opera theater

yes..I still do
Never did.
there are many questions just like anything you care to mention for example - pearl harbor , oklahoma city bombing the first attacks on the trade towers etc .
I didn't believe it early on.
Yes, I've seen them and I believe the official version.
Ok, now why don't you read the Popular Mechanics article debunking all of the myths put forth in loose change?

Or take a look at the National Institute of Science and Technology's investigation.

They actually use some science, logic and reason in their investigations.
yeah, i've been questioning it since the day it happened. do you watch the news? I can't believe you're just now figuring this out!
It was actually run by the Hexagon on Saturn as a covert operation to convince us that Bush is a very clever person. Be careful, by now THEY will be watching you from their secret cameras hidden in all the streetlights! Do do do dododododododododo.....................

Watch that. Makes that movie look like the unfounded pile of sh*t it actually is. You know, in the name of fairness and getting both sides of the story.
So, what else is new? And what can we do about it?
Only the smart people believe it.
I don't really know the government version .

haven't believed the government for many years.

but, I know what I see.

I saw 4 american jetplanes loaded with innocent people used as weapons. to kill more people. of many nationalities.

who was actually responsible? no one will really know for sure. it could have been a cia op for all I know.

since most of the evidence pointed to islamic factions that had been "attacking" us for years, plus the instant boast by dozens of islamic factions claiming responsibility, I had no problem with going and kicking their butts. so far, we've laid waste to iraq. has everyone responsible as far as the government is concerned been made to pay? I hope so, because theirs more people out there now that really do want to hurt us.

no matter how history records these events, the truth is, it happened. and this is where we stand.

9/11 terrorist did exactly what they intended.

they scared us enough to turn on ourselves.

for this, I'm not happy. this government let us down.
Would you Idiots give a rest!!!! Yes I Believe the Government!!!
Yes unfortunately there are many people who buy everything the government sells them. 9\11 was a terrible day in the history of the United States. But you cannont tell me that something's fishy when they said a jumbo jet hit the pentagon and than see the photos and the hole in the side is only 20 feet in diameter. I'm sorry but my logic tells me that a plane of that size would leave a bigger hole than that. And the fact that there really wasn't any debris lying on the ground like there would be at any other crash site. But I'm sure they have a reasonable explanation for that. Than there's the video of the plane hitting the pentagon, but if that was a jumbo jet it's the smallest one i've ever seen. The "sheeple" in this country need to wake up. There's an agenda here and it is a scary one. It is one of total control of everyone in our country. Wake up and smell the coffee.
I believed it for about 4 fact, I didn't even bother to check it.

Then I heard about the possibility of it being an inside job. Did some research (both sides) and concluded that I DO NOT BELIEVE THE OFFICIAL STORY.

Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin..... false-flag ops have been a tactic used by our own gov't for years
no, i do not believe in the official government explanation. and that scares me.
I don't believe the official government version of anything any more.
Then your a fool.....that movie is a DOCTORED VIDEO...what part of the fact that they even state it is fiction can your brain NOT understand....

I WAS THERE...grow up and learn the difference between a fantasy OPINION by persons whom HATE the US...and FACTS
