Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! W

The husband has passed on and there are family events which she is invited (she was good to my kids) but the divorce was very public. I do not want anything to do with her. How do I handle these events without endangering my relationships with my children who have become friends with her

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! What to doopera music

Kill them with kindness.

I am divorced due to a cheating husband and every so often I have family events that she shows up! What to doopera sheet music opera theater

You just have to let go of the bad feelings already and be nice for the sake of your children.

I know, I know, it sucks...

...but many times in life all we can do is make the best of what we have.

Do it for the children.
well one I would just smile and set a big example for your children by not getting upset with her..whats done is done and after all they did lose their dad.

I would let bygones be bygones and just ignore her if you can
Just because you don't want to be friends with her, does not mean you can't be civil and polite.

Show that you are the bigger person and that her presence does not bother you.
Just because you don't like the woman doesn't mean that your children should not like her. You can always treat her as a human being if you see her at any family events. It is not easy to put on an act when you don't like someone and harder still when the woman had an affair with your ex.
You have the choice of not going.
I agree with GTO judge. Be polite and keep yourself busy with others. She was good to your kids, that says it all.
you behave in a civilized manner, you don't have to gush over her but just try to be the better person. Try to mingle with other family members and enjoy yourself for the sake of your children.

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?

I'm doing a video project and want to know what people think are the most important events, fads, music groups, movies, ect. of the 1970's.

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?phantom of the opera

I may not have ten here for you, but here are a few:

Watergate - Resignation of Nixon

End of Viet Nam War

The Killing of the Israeli team in the Munich Olympics

The Proliferation of "Free Love" ie: Bob Jane Ted and Alice.

Marijuana, LSD, and Speed usage amongst teens and college age people influenced a lot;

Disco came and went

We celebrated our country's bicentenial

Helter Skelter: Charlie Manson and cohorts.

Patty Hearst kidnapping and brainwashing.

Break up of the Beatles

Notable Death of Elvis

Death of a Pope

Notable People not mentioned above:

Timothy Leary

What, in your opinion, are the top 10 or 15 major events of the 1970's?listen to opera opera theater

Bohemian Rhapsody %26amp; The Punk Rock Movement.

Never mind the B*llocks...

oh and Grease %26amp; Quadrophenia Movies.
The innocent Brady Bunch and Partridge Family. The music of The Carpenters and the Partridge family's "i think i love you".

giving way to :

The anger over the Vietnam War, gas rationing, the resignation of a President, the birth of heavy metal, disco, studio 54...

free love, drugs, dr. demento....

gerald ford, jimmy carter...

the end of the playboy era, jaws, the freedom train, the exorcist, refugees....snowstorms!

wow..the 70s were exciting! i wish i wasn't still wearing footie jammies..but im glad my parents made me watch the news..and they made a lil' of their own!
me, being born lol!
Important events:

Sony releases the U-matic

Music groups:

The Supremes performed for the last time, Black Sabbath's debut album, Mick Jagger was fined for possession of cannabis, The Beatles did their last studio performance.


Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Airport, The Aristocats, M*A*S*H

I can't think of anymore - mind blank. Hope this helps.
Punk and the Summer of Hate in (1976)

The last Morris Minor built (1971)

The Salyut Space Stations starting in (1971)

Power cuts and the three-day week (1974)

The beaten Yankee Imperialists getting kicked out of Viet Nam by lightly-armed, courageous locals wearing pith helmets, slippers and cotton pyjamas! (1974)

The Birmingham pub bombings on 21st November, 1974 which killed 21 people and injured 182

Ultravox! (1977-79)

The beginning of the New Dark Ages in 1979 when Thatcher won the election
Gas shortages and rations.

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for thos

too or are the Pre-sale codes only for PPV events?

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for those shows...soap opera

they snuck people in from the back

Hey when tickets go on sale for Raw and Smackdown live events...Do they give Pre-sale codes for those opera opera theater

Check for information about presale tickets from this source. They are very informative

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matche

In three of the four grand slam tennis events women receive equal prize money despite only playing best of three set matches, men have to play best of five set matches. Even at Wimbledon prize money is almost identical.

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matches?opera mini

I'm going to answer this question and sort of throw myself on the grenade because some people are viewing this as a gender equality question, when that is not the core issue. I do believe women should get equal pay for equal work, but that is not what is happening here. The women's champion over the course of a grandslam is on court for about 14+ hours for 7 matches best of 3 sets. The men's champion is usually on court for 26+ hours for 7 matches best of 5 sets. Since this is at least 75% more work involved. I would say if the men made 10% to 15% more in prize money would be fair for all the extra work. If you Disagree with this lets look at this scenario would it be fair to have equal prize money if the women played a 1 set winner take all match and the men played a longer best of 7 set match for equal prize money. The women's champion would then be on court for about 7+ hours and the men' champion would now have been on court for about 39+ hours. If you think this is Not Fair, then the above best of three sets and best of five sets should not be fair either. I beleive a small 10 or 15 % more for the men for 75% more work is a fair bonus. If the women gather together and decide they want to play best of 5 sets throughout the tournament, then they too deserve equal prize money with the men. Well thats my position, So remember...if your going to throw grenades, leave the pin in.

Why should women receive equal prize money in grand slam tennis events when they play shorter matches?passions soap opera opera theater

That isn't fair, maybe because they think that "girls can't handle that much" I don't know but I think everybody should play the same amount to get the same amount of prize money.
C' your life so pathetic that this is all you have to worry about? Get over it.
because we live in a sexist world. o yea and if the prize money was different they would be all up on it ignoring the fact that their matches are shorter and they would just say " sexist men "....
Oh; i wasn't aware they were on an hourly rate! Rounded up/down to the nearest 15 mins eh? What a question! I think it may have more to do with where the prize money comes from in the first place, and in that way men %26amp; women players have played equal stakes!
This question comes up just before Wimbledon every year.

It's not just that in the Women's competitions they play less games, it's if they did increased them to the same as the Men then there would be less time to have the same amount of matches.

The only option then would be to have less Women competing.

It could be a case of cutting off their noses etc.....
women should be payed equal to men because they are as much of a draw as are the men...i would rather see a sharapova match, then federer ....advertising makes the money, and more people would watch sharapova as well...
I think the women should get equal prize money because they also play upto their full strength as that of men. Though their strength finishes to three sets as compared to five sets played by men. Obviously they are weaker than men. Both men/women play upto their full potential and so they are elligible for equal prize money.

Does anyone know of a website that displays public holidays and events for countries in Asia in 2008

I travel into asia on a regular basis and need to avoid specific dates. Rather doing an individual seach on the internet as to whether any countries I'm about to visit have a bank holiday / celebrate chinese new year, etc, it would be nice to have a single page which I could print out... I don't mind even buying a paper calander if there is one!!

The main countries which I travel between are Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, Philippines, etc etc

Does anyone know of a site that either sells or offers good calanders displaying Asian events at a reasonable glance, rather than searching by each country!!??

Does anyone know of a website that displays public holidays and events for countries in Asia in 2008?extension

In my country Philippines try this out!

Try wikipedia!

I hope it can help you!

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?

Please, I have enough of Dan Brown. Is there any other evidence that this Secret Society is pulling the strings behind major world events today? Are they behind the whole process of globalisation?

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?secure browser

The Illuminati? No, but possibly bankers...

The history of the creation of the US Federal Reserve does smell like conspiracy.

Do u think the Illuminati is behind all the major world events today? Give evidence?home theater opera theater

That is a new word for me, never heard or saw that word before today. Surly you are not believing anything that Dan Brown is writing. Come on, he is a writer of fiction. Take the DaVinci Code, pure fiction but told like it was a documentary. The entire book was just a lot of fiction, and well written. He make up all his facts. So what makes you think he is not doing the same for the Illuminati or what ever they are?
Not necessary the Illuminati. There are other "societies" not in our knowledge. Freemasons, remember. I think there is alot that we are unaware of.

Globalization is just big businesses getting bigger, and the bigger they get the more clout they have.

And, if these businesses have media outlets, they can bias its content.

But, no. There's no secret society in control.
There is generally no hard evidence Stanley. They cover their tracks too well so things cannot be traced back to them. Suffice it to say for now, however, that they are being watched and when they do make their move, the right ones are in place to counter it.
The Illuminati are responsible for everything in the world, but if I were to give evidence of such a fact, I would disappear much like those who go against their wishes.
Yes, history is planned in advance. It's difficult to give you evidence in one single message post. It's a lot of little pieces that make up the big puzzle.
Nope, unless they are chaos loving fools it doesn't look like anything has been manipulated by a secret organization. Heck even global organizations like the U.N. can barely get anything done and they have the cooperation of much of the world.
There is no more evidence that the Illuminati exists than that which says George W. Bush has a human brain. The Opus Dei, however, does exist.

The above link is starter information for Opus Dei.

This is a disputed article on the Illuminati.

Here is a list of books available on Amazon about them:
Not sure about the Illuminati, but in this United States, corporate awipes are running this country right into the dirt. They are rich enough to influence our government leaders into pulling all the strings that allow laws to be passed that line their pockets with gold. Allowing more jobs to be shipped overseas, allowing unregulated imports into the country,(look at the junk we're getting from China right now),

taking away from our health plans and money set aside for education and our retired people. Bush said he would veto the bill which would allow every child in this country medical coverage, but in the next breathe asks for billions of dollars for war in Iraq. Why, because the corporate awipes aren't making money on child health care but they're raking it in from the war. Are we sending troops to help to the monks in Burma who are being killed by the dictator government, No, why, because Burma doesn't have the oil like Iraq. Wake up Americans, get rid of Bush and all his cronie corporate awipes or their won't be land for the people, governed by the people.........only by corporate awipes!!

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?

I've had two different events me and my husband wanted to go to try to charge for babies to get in. This current one I'm fighting is wanting to Charge $20.00 for a 14 month old infant.

Who thinks this is fair and who doesn't?

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?opera singer

Well, it's not fair but we've decided that if an organization or event wants to rip us off - then they simply won't get our business. For instance, we went to a fall festival at a farm this fall and they wanted $7.50 per person. With three small children and ourselves we'd be looking at $30.00 - and for what? We'd still have to buy food, drinks - the $30.00 was an entrance fee. You'd think they would have at least 2 and under for free or at least significantly discounted. The rides and games were only for little kids - it's crazy. I won't go somewhere where they charge for my little kids up the whazoo - they just won't stay in business that way. Yeah - it's not fair and I wouldn't patronize their establishment if I were you.

Should babies 0-3 ever have to pay to get into events?amc theater opera theater

It depends on the event. Perhaps the $20. charge is to discourage bringing infants.
No, their parents should.
I guess it depends on what kind of event--- if it's for kids or adults and if the baby will take up space ( a seat). I think if it's an event for adults only it should be free
I agree. This is not fair to charge for an infant. They can't remember what they see . I think if fewer people attend events where they have to pay for children under the age of 5, then companies who is having an event, will be forced to not charge for children under 5, because they will be loosing business.
When my twins were about 3 months old, me and my man wanted to go to the movies. When we went we carried the boys in our arms, instead of taking the pram. They however wanted us to pay $7.50 for our 3 month old boys.

I looked at them and walked out. Like my boys would take up a seat!!

Life just isn't fair somedays
no i think they should be free
depends on what kind of event, but I would not pay that much for my baby, for just one event...
I don't think it's fair, given that it essentially penalizes mothers for nursing.

Even if you're not breastfeeding, you could still call a manager and complain along those lines. Nursing babies SHOULD go EVERYWHERE their mother does, with no unnecessary added hassle or expense to the mother.

That makes sense merely from a public health standpoint...

Logistically, no, you don't pay for somebody whose 'chair' = a front-carrier. It's absurd to charge admission to somebody who couldn't take up a seat if they wanted to.

(all that said, leave your SUV stroller at home, and make a dash for the exit the second baby's face crinkles into a pre-cry...)
no, since they don't require seats. but babies 0-3 shouldn't go to events anyway cuz they annoy the people who pay
